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Your gift helps us support…

  • a single father working two jobs just to keep food on the table for him and his young son.
  • a mother suddenly facing a medical crisis and needing help affording rent to keep her family housed.
  • a family who recently moved to the United States for a better life as they begin building their own success.

“From the time I was a small child and as I was growing up, my parents instilled in me the value of contributing to my community in order to help those who have fewer opportunities than me. After graduating from law school, I made it a mission of mine to always be a part of a non-profit organization which promoted social and economic equality through education and financial stability. I am very proud to be a part of the CAC. I am surrounded by people who have similar values as the ones which were instilled in me.”


– Oren Saltzman, CAC Ex officio

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