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Our Program Offers

  • Full-day, year-round high-quality education, including before and after care and summer programming for eligible families
  • Head Start, MSDE Prekindergarten, and Privately funded programs to income eligible children
  • Hearing, vision, and dental screenings
  • Intervention services for children
  • Family-Centered support services
  • Family engagement services and events
  • Access to energy and housing assistance
  • Access to the Howard County Food Bank


Are you an HCC student looking for Early Childhood Education?

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Enrollment Information

  • Applications accepted all year. Enrollment is currently open for both the 24-25 School Year and the 25-26 School Year.
    • Children must be four years old by September 1 of the current year to enroll in prekindergarten.
    • Children must be three years old by September 1 of the current year to enroll in mixed-age classrooms.
    • Children must be two years old by September 1 of the current year to enroll in Preschool 2s classrooms (HCC Student Parents only).
  • Classroom and program availability varies by location. Upon application, families will be evaluated for program eligibility. 

School Documents

Please Follow Instructions Carefully. Enrolling is a 2-Step Process.  To Enroll Your Child, You Will Need the Following:

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Child’s Proof of Age (Birth Certificate or Passport)
Income Verification for the previous 12 months (W-2 or 1040 Form or Pay Stubs or Supplemental Security Income or Temporary Cash Assistance benefit statement letter)
Proof of residency in Howard County (Lease or utility bill with your name listed on it and dated within the last 30 days)
Will you be able to provide all the documentation listed above?