graphic of roof with green & black houses for section 8 housing choice voucher program

The HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program is the federal government’s major program for assisting low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. It’s often known as Section 8.

CAC Howard County works with income-qualified homeowners, renters, and landlords/property managers throughout the state of Maryland to offer no-cost weatherization assistance. This includes those participating in HUD’s HCV program.

Can HUD-Assisted Housing Receive No-Cost Weatherization Assistance in Maryland?

If you or your tenant has a HUD Housing Choice Voucher, then you and your tenant are automatically income-qualified to receive weatherization assistance at no cost from CAC.

What is Weatherization?

Weatherization assistance helps make homes more affordable, comfortable, and healthy to live in. CAC’s programs offer the following home upgrades at no cost to qualified homeowners, renters, and landlords/property managers:

Insulation and air sealing

Improves home comfort, reduces indoor drafts, cuts energy waste, lowers heating and cooling bills

Heating and cooling

Improves HVAC system operations and efficiency, either by repairing or, in some cases, replacing the unit entirely

Hot water heaters

Improves hot water equipment operations and efficiency, either by repairing or, in some cases, replacing the unit entirely 

LED lighting

Reduces energy consumption, saving money on electric bills

Smoke and CO detectors

Creates a healthier and safer home for families

For Tenants

If you have a HUD Housing Choice Voucher, you are automatically qualified to receive weatherization assistance. This program is available at no cost to you.

To get started, click the button below. Afterward, we will contact you and/or your landlord to set up an energy assessment. This helps us determine the type of home upgrades needed.



For Property Managers/Landlords

If your tenant has a HUD Housing Choice Voucher, your property is automatically qualified to receive weatherization assistance. This program is available at no cost to the tenant or landlord.

To get started, click the button below. Afterward, we will contact you and/or your tenant to set up an energy assessment. This helps us determine the type of home upgrades needed.