What is Weatherization?

At CAC, our weatherization services include:

  • Adding or replacing attic, wall, or floor insulation
  • Air sealing cracks and holes in your home
  • Repairing or replacing old or broken heating and cooling systems
  • Repairing or replacing hot water heaters
  • Installing new energy saving light bulbs
  • Smoke and CO detector installation
  1. Upgraded Attic, Wall, or Floor Insulation

    New insulation helps keep outdoor temperatures from entering your home. The average home saves an estimated 15% on heating and cooling bills by insulating and air sealing.*

  2. Sealing Air Leaks

    Weatherization closes up small holes and cracks that allow air to enter and exit your home. Left untreated, these leaks create energy waste and indoor drafts.

  3. Heating and Cooling System Upgrades

    If your heating or cooling system is old or broken, our weatherization services can help. We will tune-up and repair your equipment, or even replace it with a newer, more efficient model.

  4. Water Heater Upgrades

    Water heating is about 20% of your home’s energy use.* In some homes, this number is higher because the heater isn’t working properly or is out of date. We can help by repairing or replacing it!

  5. Energy-Saving LED Light Bulbs

    LED light bulbs use 75% less energy than older incandescent bulbs.* When we weatherize your home, we’ll look to replace any older bulbs with new ones that will save you money.

  6. Smoke and CO Detectors

    Weatherization isn’t just about saving energy; it’s also about creating a safer, healthier home. All homes that CAC weatherizes have new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed.

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