The Truth About Window Replacement
New windows can look nice. But they are not the best way to lower your energy bills. Here’s why:
High Cost
Replacing windows can cost between $10,000 and $20,000 for a full home. Even a single window can cost $500 or more.
Small Energy Savings
Most people only save 10-15% on energy costs after replacing their windows. That means it could take 20 years to get your money back.
Not the Biggest Source of Energy Waste
Windows only cause about 10-20% of a home’s heat loss. Most heat escapes through poor insulation, air leaks, and old heating systems.
What Actually Works? Weatherization!
If you want to fix drafts and lower your energy bills, weatherization is a better choice. It costs less, saves more energy, and makes a bigger impact on comfort.
CAC’s weatherization programs can help with:
Most heat loss happens through walls, attics, and floors—not windows. Adding insulation and sealing air leaks keeps warm air in during winter and hot air out during summer. This saves energy and adds comfort.
Old heating or cooling systems run inefficiently and waste a lot of energy. Upgrading your system can save more money than new windows. CAC can repair or replace inefficient heating and cooling systems to help you save.
Water heaters use much more energy in a home than you think! CAC can repair or replace old, inefficient water heaters and help you see significant savings.
LED Lighting Upgrades
LED lights use 75% less energy than regular bulbs. CAC replaces old bulbs with LEDs to help you save even more.
How Much Can You Save with Weatherization?
Homeowners who weatherize their homes save an average of $283 per year on heating and cooling costs. That’s more than most people would save from new window replacement!
Plus, CAC’s weatherization program is available at no cost to those who qualify. So why spend thousands on windows when there are better and far more affordable insulation, air sealing, and heating solutions?
Who Can Apply for CAC’s Weatherization Program?
CAC’s no-cost weatherization program is available to income-eligible homeowners and renters in Maryland. You may qualify if your household income is below a certain limit.
For example, a family of four can make up to $94,650 per year and still qualify for help.
How to Apply for Weatherization Assistance
Applying is easy! Here’s how it works:
- Fill out the simple online intake form below. It takes just a few minutes.
- CAC will review your information. Some people will need to complete a full application. Others may skip to scheduling a home visit.
- A CAC energy expert will assess your home. They will find the best ways to improve energy efficiency.
- Trusted contractors complete the work. CAC will make sure everything is done right (and test afterward to confirm!).